Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sexual Exploration Skepticism

Lately I have been reading Macho Sluts by Patrick Califia, and I don't know what to thing. I know I have a little bit of yearning for the s/m scene, but I don't know how much. I don't know how much I want to get into it because I would rather not have sex rule my life, and I would rather it not be a part of my physical identity. I don't want my sexual tastes to determine who my partner is. It's kind of exciting to try out new things with my boyfriend. But I can't help but feel like a pervert being interested in these kind of things.


  1. You have an interesting blog. I am a reluctant introvert as well, but try not to let it show. Keep writing - there is a natural flow to your writing. I understand your desire to still dress up for halloween. I am 35 and recently posted myself painted up like joker.

  2. Thanks! I will probably always want to dress up for Halloween and will always get lazy and forget until last moment!

  3. I imagine you will look unbelievably sexy in whatever you decide to wear - halloween or otherwise. I am glad to read your latest blog that you want to get involved in a cause. The prob with getting high all the time is that - you lose time in your life. That's what I found anyway. Good luck giving that up - but don't stop being sexy, if only for my benefit.

  4. I just really haven't been enjoying getting high lately. Everytime I get high all I want to do is sleep, and that's what I end up doing. It's not fun passing out extremely early. I mean I don't want to give it up, but I just want to have more fun with my life, and weed just ins't doing it for me.

  5. Weed can waste your life away - it's why I quit. Never motivated to do anything. If I wanted to be sleepy, I'd rub a good one and relax.

  6. Well I am not a stoner. I mean I use weed just recreationally.
