Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Searching for Good Music

I have become really picky with music lately. It seems most music annoys the shit out of me. I had to delete all my music, and now I listen to like 2 bands. I keep trying to find good German bands so I can practice my German skillz, but it has been impossible because I can barely find music I like in English. I seem to have extremely specific qualities for music:

1. Must have good beats- I used to despise electronic music, and now it's all I can listen to. And a lot of electronic music sounds awful to me.
2. Must have at least one female vocalist- absolute must! I can't stand male dominated bands. Music is so male dominated. It's hard to find good female artists.
3. Must be sex positive- I found I would rather listen to men completely degrading women and objectifying them than super needy, clingy, emotional guys who sing about relationships.
4. Must have attitude- I guess this is why I have been listening to rap so much. I love vain, conceited people who rap about how awesome they are.
5. Must have a unique style- I can't stand how much music sounds the same.
6. Cannot have that obnoxious poppy sound- you know overly produced with repetative, obnoxious that instantly get stuck in your head against your own will.
7. Must challenge the system- just a given.

I kind have been moving towards dupstep out of influence of my boyfriend. I kind of been resisting it because dupstep is so male dominated, but maybe if I find some good female dubstep artists, that will change my mind.

Current songs I am addicted to:

I just haven't been in a good place lately, and I need to have music to keep going.

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