Sunday, June 27, 2010

Feminist Survey

I am trying to think up questions to ask women if I ever had a feminist conference. Or perhaps I could slip them into conversation. I mean if I was asking someone casually, I could get the kind of response I wanted out of them. I would change the questions and make them more specific. I might try to ask both genders because men face injustice too with gender roles. I kind of want to make a zine with my results.

These are some possible questions that I will most likely change. I will come up with more too.

1. During sex with your partner do you focus on your pleasure as well as your partner's? If not so much how can you work on that?

2. How do you view other women? For example do you ever view women negatively out of jealousy? If so how can you work on that?

3. Do you feel you have an adequate female community? Do you think it's necessary to have one? What are the benefits?

4. Do you ever feel you validify one gender's opinion over the other?

5. Do you ever feel limited by your gender? Have you faced any blatant sexism?

Any ideas from anyone? I would love to know. You can criticize the hell out of my questions if you want!

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