Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ideas for Pride Fest Costumes

So I have been thinking all week about what I want to do for pride fest next year plotting ways to get random people to take my picture. I don't think I have the ovaries to dress up like a giant vagina, and I want to be original. I was thinking maybe making a spectacular tube like rainbow dress out of rainbow duct tape short in the front with longer ruffles in the back while wearing a garter belt connecting to rainbow tights. I have to make up for not going to prom somehow. Maybe I just want to wear a garter belt since Amanda Palmer rocks it so hard in the Dresden Dolls. Where the fuck do you find those? I don't really want to put myself to the challenge of making one. Maybe.


God it seems so easy for a guy to stand out. They just have to wear too short of shorts or a little make up, and they get looks. Sheesh my boyfriend constantly gets yelled at from cars for wearing tight jeans. Okay maybe they are more like death threats than compliments but still I bet he was getting more looks at pride fest. My extremely straight, practically homophobic friend constantly got hit on for wearing a kilt. Not fair!


  1. I would much rather get hit on for being me than my outfit. I dunno it just seems like such a stereotype of the glbtgq to be flamboyant. I would much rather be noticed by a "queen" who didn't feel they had to be defined by the lady gaga/clubbing/narcissistic stereotype that "plagues" the community. Even though being modestly bi I feel as if I don't run around with a rainbow as cape I can't be taken seriously as being a legitimate love/experience interest. I dunno at times it seems like the more shocking you can be the more queer you are. Not to rag on flamboyant it just glbtgq lately revolves around shock value and not the issues pridefest brings to the table. As fun as it is dancing and seeing cool outfits it seems it can be more a hook up/fashion show then the bringing together of a community of being open with sexuality without being exclusive.

  2. I don't know. I mean some men want to dress up as girls which make them outcasts of society, but they can feel free to do it surrounded by queer culture at pride fest. I mean it would be great if we could just come together and just talk about stuff, but pride fest is a party, and there are other things for that. Pride fest is there to just have fun while also celebrating the opportunity to be free without being harshly judged by a bunch of homophobics. I mean obviously queer culture goes beyond pride fest. But a lot of people there were very superficial and kind of forget that they weren't the center of the world. I kind of got annoyed that this one guy rudely stepped over this homeless guy's change bowl thingy. I thought it was really disrespectful to that homeless guy. It kind of showed how priveledged and careless a lot of people there were. It would be cool to come together in a different enviroment, but I don't think pride fest is bad.

  3. I mean I wasn't stalking that girl because she really physically stood out. She just seemed really sweet the way she acted, and I think it was cool she brought a guitar to express her own art without being afraid of being judged and without having a stage.
    But I mean I think it's cool to try to creatively stand out sometimes. It's just fun.
